- kafkajs를 사용해서 nestjs에서 kafka를 제어한다.
- nest.js에서 제안하는 방식은 microservice를 이용하는 것인데
kafkajs 공식문서 사용법을 이용하는 방식이 더 직관적이어서
이 방법을 선택하여 구현하였다.
[참고1][참고2] - kafkajs는 kafka streams는 지원하지 않는다.
kafkajs 구성 개요
- kafka 인스턴스를 생성한다.
- kafka producer 인스턴스를 생성한다.
- kafka consumer 인스턴스를 생성하는 factory를 생성한다.
- factory는 consumerGroupId 마다
새 kafka consumer 인스턴스를 생성한다.
- 설명
- kafka 인스턴스를 생성한다.
- global/kafka/kafka.config.ts
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import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common"; import { Kafka, logLevel } from "kafkajs"; @Injectable() export class KafkaConfigService { private kafka: Kafka; constructor() { this.kafka = new Kafka({ clientId: process.env.CLIENT_ID, brokers: [process.env.KAFKA_CLIENT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER], logLevel: logLevel.INFO, }); } getClient(): Kafka { return this.kafka; } }
- 설명
- kafka producer 인스턴스를 생성한다.
- acks를 -1로 선언하여 메세지 손실 가능성을 최소화한다.
- global/kafka/kafka.producer.service.ts
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import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common"; import { KafkaConfigService } from "./kafka.config"; import { CompressionTypes } from "kafkajs"; @Injectable() export class KafkaProducerService { private producer; constructor(private kafkaConfigService: KafkaConfigService) { this.producer = this.kafkaConfigService.getClient().producer(); this.producer.connect(); } async sendMessage( topic: string, key: string, message: string, headers: Record<string, string> = {} ) { try { await this.producer.send({ topic, messages: [{ key, value: message, headers }], compression: CompressionTypes.GZIP, acks: -1, }); console.log(`Message sent to topic ${topic}: ${message}`); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error sending message to Kafka: ${error.message}`); } } async disconnect() { await this.producer.disconnect(); } }
- 설명
- kafka consumer 인스턴스를 생성한다.
- 최초 인스턴스 초기화 시 consumerGroupId를 인자로 받는다.
- autoCommit은 false로 설정한다.
- subscribe 함수 실행 후
true를 리턴하면 commit을 하고
false를 리턴하면 commit 하지 않는다.
commit을 하지 않으면 consumer가 다시 해당 메세지를 처리하게 된다. - subscribe 함수의 dependencies 인자에
subscribe 함수 실행에 필요한 객체들을 담는다.
- global/kafka/interface/k-consumer-message.interface.ts
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export interface IKConsumerMessage { key: string; value: Buffer; headers: Record<string, string>; partition: number; offset: number; }
- global/kafka/kafka.consumer.service.ts
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import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common"; import { KafkaConfigService } from "./kafka.config"; import { IKConsumerMessage } from "./interface/k-consumer-message.interface"; @Injectable() export class KafkaConsumerService { private consumer; constructor( private kafkaConfigService: KafkaConfigService, private consumerGroupId: string ) { this.consumer = this.kafkaConfigService .getClient() .consumer({ groupId: this.consumerGroupId }); this.consumer.connect(); } async subscribe( topic: string, callback: ( message: IKConsumerMessage, dependencies: Record<string, any> ) => Promise<boolean>, dependencies: Record<string, any> ) { await this.consumer.subscribe({ topic, fromBeginning: true }); await this.consumer.run({ eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => { const callbackMessage = { key: message.key ? message.key.toString() : "", value: message.value.toString(), headers: message.headers, partition: partition, offset: message.offset, }; const isOk = await callback(callbackMessage, dependencies); if (isOk) { this.commitManually({ topic, partition, offset: message.offset }); } }, autoCommit: false, }); } private async commitManually({ topic, partition, offset }) { await this.consumer.commitOffsets([{ topic, partition, offset }]); } async disconnect() { await this.consumer.disconnect(); } }
- 설명
- consumerGroupId를 입력 받아
새 KafkaConsumerService 인스턴스를 생성한다.
- consumerGroupId를 입력 받아
- global/kafka/kafka-consumer.factory.ts
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import { Injectable } from "@nestjs/common"; import { KafkaConsumerService } from "./kafka.consumer.service"; import { KafkaConfigService } from "./kafka.config"; import { CONSUMER_GROUP_ID } from "./kafka-info"; @Injectable() export class KafkaConsumerFactory { constructor(private kafkaConfigService: KafkaConfigService) {} createKafkaConsumerService(consumerGroupId: string): KafkaConsumerService { if (!Object.values(CONSUMER_GROUP_ID).includes(consumerGroupId)) { throw new Error(`${consumerGroupId} is unsupported consumerGroupId`); } return new KafkaConsumerService(this.kafkaConfigService, consumerGroupId); } }
- 설명
- 선언한 kafka 객체들을 module에 담는다.
- 이때 생성하고자 하는 KafkaConsumerService 인스턴스도 선언한다.
- global/kafka/kafka-info.ts
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export const CONSUMER_GROUP_ID = { NEWS_INFO: "new-info", }; export const KAFKA_TOPIC = { NEWS_INFO: "new-info", };
- global/kafka.module.ts
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import { Module } from "@nestjs/common"; import { KafkaConfigService } from "./kafka.config"; import { KafkaProducerService } from "./kafka.producer.service"; import { KafkaConsumerFactory } from "./kafka-consumer.factory"; import { CONSUMER_GROUP_ID } from "./kafka-info"; @Module({ providers: [ KafkaConfigService, KafkaProducerService, KafkaConsumerFactory, { provide: CONSUMER_GROUP_ID.NEWS_INFO, useFactory: (factory: KafkaConsumerFactory) => factory.createKafkaConsumerService(CONSUMER_GROUP_ID.NEWS_INFO), inject: [KafkaConsumerFactory], }, ], exports: [ KafkaProducerService, `${CONSUMER_GROUP_ID.NEWS_INFO}`, ], // Export services for injection }) export class KafkaModule {}
- 설명
- KafkaConsumerService를 주입하여 사용한다.
- 뉴스 정보를 담아 kafka producer가
news-info 토픽에 메세지를 보내면
kafka consumer가 news-info 토픽의 메세지를 읽어 저장한다. - 중요 부분만 작성한다.
- news-info/news-info.service.ts
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@Injectable() export class NewsInfoService { constructor( @Inject(CONSUMER_GROUP_ID.NEWS_INFO) private kafkaConsumerService: KafkaConsumerService, private newsInfoRepository: NewsInfoRepository ) { const kafkaConsumerDependencies = { newsInfoRepository: this.newsInfoRepository, }; this.kafkaConsumerService.subscribe( KAFKA_TOPIC.NEWS_INFO, this.consumeNewsInfo, kafkaConsumerDependencies ); } async createNewsInfo(newsInfoCreateDto: INewsInfoCreateDto) { this.produceNewsInfoCreation(newsInfoCreateDto).catch((e) => { console.error(e); }); } private async produceNewsInfoCreation(newsInfoCreateDto: INewsInfoCreateDto) { const key = crypto.randomUUID(); this.kafkaProducerService.sendMessage( KAFKA_TOPIC.NEWS_INFO, key, JSON.stringify(newsInfoCreateDto) ); } private async consumeNewsInfoCreation( message: IKConsumerMessage, dependencies: IKNewsInfoCreationConsumerDependency ) { console.log("receive message"); const newsInfoCreationDto: INewsInfoCreateDto = JSON.parse( message.value.toString() ); try { const source = Object.values(newsInfoCreationDto).join("|"); const docHash = await getSha256Buffer(source); // DB 저장 const newNewsInfo = new NewsInfoSchema( new Types.ObjectId(newsInfoCreationDto.ownerId), newsInfoCreationDto.description, Buffer.from(docHash), newsInfoCreationDto.createdAt ); const newsInfoRepository = dependencies.newsInfoRepository; const newNewsInfoResult: NewsInfoSchema = await newsInfoRepository.createNewsInfo(newNewsInfo); return true; } catch (error) { console.error(error); // 실패 시 처리 // ex) 실패 알람 전송 return true; } } }
- news/news.module.ts
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@Module({ imports: [ MongooseModule.forFeature([ { name: NEWS_INFO_COLLECTION_NAME, schema: NewsInfoSchema }, ]), KafkaModule, ], controllers: [NewsInfoController], providers: [NewsInfoService, NewsInfoRepository], exports: [NewsInfoRepository], }) export class NewsInfoModule {}